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Terms & Conditions



  1. The Storer:

(a) has knowledge of the Goods in the Space

(b) warrants that  they are the owner of the Goods in the Space, and/or are entitled at law to deal with them in accordance with all aspects of this Non Exclusive Rights (NER) Agreement.

  1. The FO

(a) does not have and will not be deemed to have, knowledge of the Goods;

(b) is not a bailee nor a warehouseman of the Goods and the Storer acknowledges that the FO does not take possession of the Goods;

(c) claims a contractual lien over the Goods in the event any moneys are owing under the Agreement


  1. The Storer must upon signing the NER Agreement pay to the FO:

(a) the Deposit (which, when applicable, will be refunded within 7 days of termination of this Agreement) and/or

(b) the Administration Fee

  1. The Storer is responsible to pay:

(a) the Storage Fee being the amount indicated in this NER Agreement or the amount

Notified to the Storer by the FO from time to time.  The Storage Fee is payable in advance, and it is the Storer’s responsibility to make payment directly to the FO on time, and in full, throughout the period of storage. Any storage fees paid by direct deposit/direct credit (“Direct Payment”) will not be credited to Storer’s account unless the Storer identifies the Direct Payment clearly and as reasonably directed by the FO. The FO is indemnified from any claim or enforcement of the Agreement, including the sale or disposal of Goods, due to the Storer’s failure to correctly identify a Direct Payment;

(b) the Cleaning Fee, as indicated on the front of this Agreement, is payable at the FO’s reasonable discretion;

(c) a Late Payment Fee, as indicated on the front of this NER Agreement, is payable at the FO’s reasonable discretion;

(d) any reasonable costs incurred by the FO in collecting late or unpaid Storage Fees, or in collection, personnel and/or the Default Action costs.

  1. The Storer will be responsible for payment of any government taxes or charges (including any goods and services tax) being levied on this Agreement, or any supplies pursuant to this NER Agreement.


  1. (a) Notwithstanding clause 23, and subject to clause 6(b), the Storer acknowledges that, in the event of the Storage Fee, or any other moneys owing under this NER Agreement, not being paid in full within 42 days of the due date, the FO may enter the space, by force or otherwise, retain the Deposit and/or sell or dispose of any Goods in the Space on such terms that the FO may determine (“Default Action”). For the purposes of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009, the FO is deemed to be in possession of the Goods from the moment the FO accesses the Space. The Storer consents to and authorises the sale of disposal of all Goods regardless of their nature or value.  The FO may also require payment of Default Action costs, including any costs associated with accessing the Storer’s Space and disposal or sale of the Storer’s Goods. Any excess funds will be returned to the Storer within 6 months of the sale of goods. In the event that the Storer cannot be located, excess funds will be deposited with the Public Trustee or equivalent authority. In the event that the Storer has more than one Space with the FO, default on either Space authorises the FO to take Default Action against all Spaces.

(b) At least 7 days before the FO can take any default Action the FO will provide the Storer with Notice that the Storer is in Default. The FO will provide the Storer with reasonable time to rectify the Default before any Default Action is taken.

(c) If the FO reasonably believes it is a health and safety risk to conduct an Inventory in the Space, subject to the FO providing the Storer with reasonable prior notice to pay outstanding moneys and collect the goods, the FO may dispose of some or all of the Goods without undertaking an Inventory. Further, due to the inherent health and safety risks in relation to undertaking any sale or disposal of Goods whereby the FO must handle the Storer’s Goods, the FO need not open or empty bags or boxes to undertake an inventory or assess the contents therein, and may elect to instead dispose of all bagged and/or boxed items without opening them.


  1. If, in the reasonable opinion of the FO, a defaulting Storer’s Goods are either not saleable, fail to sell when offered for sale, may pose a health risk to staff or the public if handled, or are not of sufficient value to warrant the expense of attempting to sell, the FO may dispose of all Goods in the Storer’s Space by any means.
  2. Further, upon Termination of the NER Agreement (Clause 23) by either the Storer or the FO, in the event that a Storer fails to remove all Goods from their Space or the Facility, the FO is authorised to dispose of all Goods by any means 7 days from the Termination Date, regardless of the nature of the Goods. The FO will give 7 days’ notice of intended disposal.
  3. Any items deemed left, in the FO”s reasonable opinion, unattended in common areas or outside the Storer’s Space at any time may at the FO’s reasonable discretion be sold, disposed, moved or dumped immediately and at the expense and liability of the Storer


  1. The Storer

(a) has the right to access the Space during Access Hours as posted by the FO and subject to the terms of this NER Agreement

(b) At times when the Storer is not in the Space in a manner reasonably acceptable to the FO, and where applicable will secure the external gates and/or doors of the Facility. The Storer is not permitted to apply a padlock to their Space in the FO’s overlocking position and the Storer may have any such padlock forcefully cut off at the Storer’s expense.

(c) must not store any Goods that are hazardous, illegal, stolen, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, perishable, living, or that are a risk to the property of any person;

(d) (Prohibited Goods) To prevent harm or damage, Your Goods must not include any item listed in the Prohibited Goods List displayed by the Operator from time to time on its website or at the Premises or any animal or any thing which is hazardous, illegal, stolen, inflammable (excluding alcoholic beverages), explosive, environmentally harmful, perishable or which in the reasonable opinion of the Operator may cause harm to any person, property or the environment.  You must ensure Your Goods are free of food scraps (or other perishable substances) and are not damp when placed into storage.

(e) Any breach of 10(d) will result in an immediate termination of your storage agreement.  In the event, after being directed to do so, you fail to remove the dangerous Goods, the police will attend the scene and the FO will advocate to have the storer criminally charged for the illegal storing of prohibited items.

(f) must not store items which are irreplaceable, such as currency, jewellery, furs, deeds, paintings, curios, works of art, items of personal sentimental value and/or any items that are worth more than $2000AUD in total unless they are itemised and covered by insurance.

(g) will use the Space solely for the purpose of storage and shall not carry on any business of any type, live in permanently or temporarily, be in for any longer than one hour during any one given week or use in the non-exclusive or any other activity in this Space.

(h) must not attach nails, screws etc to any part of the Space, must maintain the Space by ensuring it is clean and in a state of good repair and must not damage or alter the Space without the FO’s consent; in the event of uncleanliness of or damage to the Space or Facility, the FO will be entitled to retain the Storer’s Deposit, charge a Cleaning Fee, and/or full reimbursement by the Storer to the value of the repair and/or cleaning.

(i) must give Notice of the change of address, phone numbers or email address of the Storer or the Alternate Contact Person (ACP) within 48 hours of any change;

(j) grants the FO entitlement to discuss any default by and any information it holds regarding the Storer with the ACP registered on the front of this Agreement. Further, where the FO reasonably believes that the Storer is unwilling or unable to remove Goods from the Space upon termination or default of the Agreement, despite reasonable notice under these terms, the FO may allow the ACP to remove the Goods on such terms as agreed between the FO and the ACP without the need for further consent from the Storer.

(k) is solely responsible for determining whether the Space is appropriate and suitable for storing the Storer’s Goods, having specific consideration for the size, nature and condition of the Space and Goods.

  1. In addition to Clause 6, the FO has the right to refuse access to the Space and/or the Facility where any moneys are owing by the Storer to the FO where a demand or notice relating to payment of such monies has been made.
  2. The FO will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Storer resulting from any inability to access the Facility or the Space.
  3. The FO reserves the right to relocate the Storer to another Space without notice. The Storer acknowledges they have non-exclusive rights over the Space, the building and/or the land.
  4. The FO may dispose of the Storer’s Goods in the event the Goods are damaged due to fire, flood or other event that has rendered Goods, in the reasonable opinion of the FO severely damaged, or dangerous to the Facility, any persons, or other Storers and/or their Goods. Where practicable, the FO will provide the Storer with reasonable Notice and an opportunity to review the Goods before the Goods are disposed of.
  5. The Storer acknowledges that it has raised with the FO all queries relevant to its decision to enter this Agreement and that the FO has, prior to the Storer entering into this NER Agreement, answered all such queries to the satisfaction of the Storer. The Storer acknowledges that any matter resulting from such queries have, to the extent required by the Storer and agreed to by the FO, been reduced to writing and incorporated into the Terms of this NER Agreement.

15A. The Storer is responsible (and must pay) for loss or damage caused by a third party who enters the Space or the Facility at the request, direction, or as facilitated by the Storer (including provision of gate key code, fob key or swipe card).


  1. The FO’s services comes with non-excludable guarantees under consumer protection law, including that they will be provided with due care and skill. Otherwise, to the extent permitted by law, the Goods are stored at the sole risk and responsibility of the Storer who shall be responsible for any and all theft, damage to, and deterioration of the Goods, and shall bear the risk of and all damage caused by flood or fire or leakage, or overflow of water, mildew, mould, heat, spillage or material from any other space, removal or delivery of the Goods, pest or vermin or any other reason whatsoever.
  2. Where loss, damage or injury is caused by the Storer, the Storer’s actions or the Storer’s Goods, the Storer agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the FO from all claims for any loss or damage to the property of, or personal injury to or death of the Storer, including but not limited to the storage of Goods in the Space, the Goods themselves and/or accessing the Facility.
  3. Certain laws may apply to the storage of goods including criminal, bankruptcy, liquidation and others. The Storer acknowledges and agrees to comply with all relevant laws, including Acts and Ordinances, Regulations, By-Laws and Orders, as are or may be applicable to the use of the Space. This includes laws relating to the material which is stored, and the manner in which it is stored. Such liability and responsibility rests with the Storer, and includes any and all costs resulting from such a breach.
  4. If the FO reasonably believes that the Storer is not complying with any relevant laws the FO may take any action as it reasonably believes to be necessary, including the action  outlined in Clauses 22 & 23 contacting, cooperating with and/or submitting Goods to the relevant authorities and/or immediately disposing of or removing the Goods at the Storer’s expense, including where in the FO’s reasonable opinion the Storer is engaging in illegal activity in relation to the storage of the Goods. No failure or delay by the FO to exercise its rights under this NER Agreement will operate to waive those rights.


  1. In the event of an emergency, that is where obliged to do so by law or in the event that property, the environment or human life is, in the reasonable opinion of the FO, threatened, the FO may enter the Space using all necessary force without the consent of the Storer, but the FO shall thereafter notify the Storer as soon as practicable. The Storer consents to such entry.

20A. The Storer agrees that in circumstances where the FO reasonably suspects a breach of the law or damage to the facility, the FO may use a microprobe or other CCTV camera to view the inside of the Space and any footage obtained which evidences a breach of the Agreement or the law may be relied upon by the FO to take any action authorised under this Agreement, including terminating the Agreement and/or cooperating with law enforcement agencies and other authorities.


  1. Drug or Alcohol Affected Storers

In the event an employee suspects a Storer is under the influence of any type of drug or alcohol, it will be deemed a safety risk within the facility and therefore has to be immediately reported to management.  Management’s first responsibility is to ensure the safety of all those on site, they are to first lock the facility down with no one allowed to enter until a risk assessment has been undertaken by the Senior Manager at the facility.  The risk assessment will include approaching the Storer, determining their state of coherence or otherwise, and in the case of any doubt, the police are to be called immediately on 000.  In the event the Storer is coherent, the senior manager will inform the Storer that they are providing an unsafe environment for workers and other Storers.  The senior manager will promptly escort the drug or alcohol affected Storer off the facility where they will be informed to return when they are feeling “well”.

21A. No smoking or Vaping on the facility.

The entire facility is a smoke free and vape free area.

21B. No sorting through unit allowed

No Storer is allowed at the facility for the sole purpose of sorting through their storage unit.  A Storer’s goods are either dropped off at the facility or picked up from the facility.  A Storer, who the sorting through of a storage unit, is a large safety risk to the Storer, to staff and to other Storers. There may be sharp items which could cause injury, Storers may slip over on an item so under no circumstances is a Storer allowed to park at the facility for the sole purpose of sorting through their unit.  In the event a staff member identifies such behaviour, the senior manager at the facility is to be immediately informed and the senior manager will immediately stop the Storer, pack the items away and ask the Storer to leave the facility.

21C. No parking longer than 45 minutes

Because on site staff assist Storer’s with loading and unloading their items and because it takes 25 minutes to load or unload a 3T truck, no Storer is allowed to park at the facility any longer than 45 minutes.  It is not a free parking facility.

21D. Running of a business prohibited

Further to no Storer being able to park for longer than 45 minutes, no Storer is allowed or authorised by facility manager or owners to run or manage any form of commercial business from the facility.

21E. 24/7 Access

In order to effectively manage the facility, special requests for 24/7 access will be considered by management, however, proof of and the reasons need to be that the Storer is a shift worker, in the emergency services profession or something similar.  Otherwise, standard hours of operation are 6am to 7pm, 7 days a week.

21F. A Torrential Rain Event

When there is a torrential rain event, and a torrential rain event is measured by more than 15mls in one hour, the site is to immediately close, access at the entry gate is to be halted, all Storers are required to leave the facility and to return when the event is over.   Storers who are on-site when the torrential rain event occurs are to be informed the conditions are too dangerous and unsafe to either pack or unpack or to access a Space.  Employees and senior management have the owners full support when denying Storers access during one of these events or requesting Storers to leave the facility. 

21G. A Thunderstorm Event

When a thunderstorm event occurs, and a thunderstorm event is determined by four sounds of thunder within 2 minutes, the site is to immediately close.  No access is allowed during a thunderstorm event to the facility.  All Storers are to immediately proceed to their vehicles and leave the facility via the exit gate and all buildings are to be immediately locked and sealed.

21H. A Flood Event

When a flood event occurs either at an entry point to the facility or within the facility itself, the site is to immediately close, the front entry gate is immediately disabled, all Storers are required to leave the facility via the exit gate in an orderly fashion.

21I. Severe Weather Event

When a severe weather warning has been issued by the BoM, Stor-It management will monitor the deteriorating conditions.  In the event conditions worsen and the severe weather event materialises, Storers will receive a flash email and flash text from Stor-It indicating the facility is closed until the severe weather event is over.  The text message will indicate Storers are NOT to travel to Stor-It in an attempt to access their Goods. 

21J . An External Adjacent Accident to the Facility

In the event an external accident happens on a north, east, west or south road abutting or adjacent to the facility, the site is to immediately close, the entry gate is to be disabled. Storers are requested to remain on the facility in their car/s. In the event Police are required to take a statement from any potential witnesses to the accident, Storers are to remain on site until the senior manager in consultation with the Police, Ambulance or Fire Brigade deem the road network safe for Storers to exit the facility through the exit gate and leave the facility.

21K. Flash Warning Text in Event of External Accident

If an external accident occurs on Ballarat-Carngham Road or Icon Drive, Storers  will receive a Flash Warning Text and email advising that there has been an accident, that it is unsafe to travel to Stor-It Ballarat West and Stor-It will be closed until the surrounding road system is safe to reopen.

21L. Pick-up and Drop-off Policy

The Stor-It Group’s Pick-up and Drop-off Policy by a Storer is governed by Clause 34 Stor-It’s  30 Days’ Notice to Vacate Form. 

In relation to the Notice to Vacate Form, Storer is required to provide 30 days’ notice as per their Agreement to Vacate. Upon notice being received the Storer and/or their removal company will receive Stor-It’s Vacate Form and the responsible party will be required to sign the undertaking that a vehicle no greater than a 3T Truck is allowed at the facility.  The Storer is to return the signed form to the office and from the point of returning the signed Vacate Form is the time that the 30 days’ notice commences. 

21M. Unannounced Pickup or Drop Off Greater than 3T Truck

In the event a Storer has not announced either a drop off or pick up from the facility and the truck is greater than 3T, the staff representative will meet the vehicle at the entry gate. If the Storer is with the vehicle the team member will go through the Terms and Conditions the Storer signed and the 4 weeks’ Notice to Vacate Form which clearly states that a truck greater than 3T cannot access the facility.  In the event it is a drop off the Storer will be informed of the same.  In the event the Storer is not present the Storer will be called and the policy explained.  In the meantime, the truck will be directed to park on the eastern side of Icon Drive, not inhibiting traffic by parking in the gutter and to wait there for further instructions from the Storer and not the facility.  The truck will not be authorised to park in the carriageway easement while they wait for the Storer.  The Storer will be informed to swap vehicles to a smaller 3T truck or advised to go to another storage facility.

21N. One Way Access Only

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is a Storer or truck allowed to reverse in any part of the facility.  The No Reverse signs are to be adhered to at all times.

21O. Pedestrian Access

The facility cannot be accessed via any form of pedestrian – no Storer is allowed to walk onto the site.  No Storer is allowed to access the facility using a bicycle – all Storers must come in a motor vehicle or a truck no greater than 3T.

21P. Boom Gates in Operation

Internal traffic management is controlled through Bosche Integrated Security Boom Gate compartment control process.  This process governs where on site Storers are able to drive, which is governed by where at the facility their storage unit is.  Boom gates will only open and allow a Storer access to the particular entrance way where their storage unit is.  A Storer will not be able to reverse or drive to any other part of the facility in their motor vehicle or on foot because the boom gates will prevent a Storer from doing so.

  1. NOTICE – Notice will usually be given by email or SMS, or otherwise will be left at, or posted to, or emailed to the address of the Storer. In relation to the giving of Notice by the Storer to the FO, Notice must be in writing and actually be received to be valid, and the FO may specify a required method. In the event of not being able to contact the Storer, Notice is deemed to have been given to the Storer by the FO if the FO has sent Notice to the last notified address or has sent Notice via any other contact method, including by SMS or email to the Storer or the ACP without any electronic ‘bounce back’ or similar notification. In the event that there is more than one Storer, Notice to or by any single Storer is agreed to be sufficient for the purposes of any Notice requirement under this Agreement.
  2. TERMINATION: The Storer acknowledges that this NER Agreement does not represent a fixed term.  The Storer acknowledges that they do not hold any property rights over the hired space, the building the hired space  sits in or any component of the land the building sits on or access and egress  sits on. The Storer acknowledges the FO can provide 7 days written notice of termination.  The Storer acknowledges the FO does not have to provide any reason for the 7 days written termination of the non fixed term agreement.  The Storer acknowledges and agrees that in the event items are left in the unit where the agreement has been terminated, the FO has all legal rights to dispose of any and all items left in that unit as the FO sees fit. In the event of any activities reasonably considered by the FO to be illegal or environmentally harmful on the part of the Storer the FO may terminate the Agreement without Notice. The FO is entitled to retain or charge apportioned storage fees if less than the requisite Notice is given by the Storer.  The Storer must remove all Goods in the Space before the close of business on the Termination Date and leave the space in a clean condition and in a good state of repair to the satisfaction of the FO. In the event that Goods are left in the Space after the Termination Date, Clause 8 will apply. The Storer must pay any outstanding Storage Fees and any expenses on default or any other moneys owed to the FO up to the Termination Date, or Clauses 6,7 or 8 may apply. Any calculation of the outstanding fees will be by the FO. If the FO enters the Space for any reason and there are no Goods stored therein, the FO may terminate the Agreement without giving prior Notice, but the FO will send Notice to the Storer within 7 days.
  3. The Parties’ liability for outstanding moneys, property damage, personal injury, environmental damage and legal responsibility under this Agreement continues to run beyond the termination of this Agreement.
  4. SEVERENCE: If any Clause, term or provision of this Agreement is legally unenforceable or is made inapplicable, or in its application would breach any law, term or provision, shall be severed or read down, but so as to maintain (as far as possible) all other terms of the Agreement.

This Clause forms part of the standard Self Storage Agreement. You unreservedly agree that the FO has the exclusive right at any time and for any reason to move, as they see fit and at their sole discretion, any storer and his or her stored Goods, as a whole, from space to space.  The Storer acknowledges he or she does not have exclusive rights to the allocated storage Space and the FO will supply exclusively a lock and key, a copy of which is to be held in the facilities key safe at all times.


The Storer agrees unequivocally to allow Stor-It Ballarat PL, in the event the storer fails to pay the said amount demanded as set out in the ‘3rd Letter’, a full charge and security over any and all stored items in the storage unit or units occupied by the Storer.



The Storer agrees to provide 30 clear calendar days’ Notice to Vacate in writing. The Storer agrees to pay the full 30 days’ Notice period in the event the Storer physically vacates during the 30-day Notice period.



The Storer agrees to pay an insurance premium, as quoted, to cover the damage to personal items during a pickup and/or delivery.

The Storer agrees on the day of pickup to take photos of all items, date and time stamped and provide those photos to Stor-It Ballarat PL on the same day that pickup has occurred.

The Storer acknowledges that all items being stored are clean, they have not stored FOOD of ANY type and if they have, they acknowledge damage may be caused due to mould or rodent damage to any and all of their items. 

The Storer agrees that they have checked all items to be stored that they do not contain either food or food scraps.

The Storer agrees to make no claim against the facility in the event of damage to goods as a result of the Storer storing or otherwise FOOD of ANY type.



The Storer agrees to be bound by the Insurance Terms & Conditions offered for the storage of their personal items.

The Storer agrees the insurers assessor is the final arbiter on any such claim.

The Storer agrees to photograph, on the day of pickup of items being stored, all particular items that may be subject to a future claim.

The Storer agrees to retain the date and time stamped photos for their records and agrees the said photos may be requested from the insurer to verify or otherwise, any previous damage to items prior to storing on the day.



The Storer agrees to raise any matters of concern in writing ( first with facility management prior to posting any adverse comments on Google My Business, Facebook or any other social media platform.

The Storer agrees in the event they do not adhere to the above legal undertaking at the request of the facility in writing to immediately remove any such malicious or derogatory social media post until the Storer first addresses the matter with the management of the facility.

The Storer agrees in the event they breach the Social Media Clause of this Agreement, they will accept full responsibility for any and all legal liability for any and all legal costs associated with enforcing the Storers Agreement in relation to the Social Media Clause with the Storer if need be through the applicable legal jurisdiction, i.e, the Victorian Magistrates Court.



The FO may revise the Agreement Terms and Conditions from time to time to better reflect

changes to the Laws or service/s offered by the FO.  Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be notified to the Storer.



As a condition of entry, all persons with any form of impairment, visually, physically or psychologically will be appointed their own private on site concierge.  This service from Stor-It Ballarat West is completely complementary.  It does not discriminate; it is purely designed to provide safety to our impaired storers as well as ensuring the overall safety conditions at the facility.

All impaired storage units are on the ground floor of each building, and they are facing to the outside of each building.  No impaired storer, or potential storer, is authorised to enter any internal storage space.

The I-storer is to always remain with their concierge where they will be met at the facility office, escorted to their outside, downstairs storage unit and the concierge will perform all legal and required tasks by the I-storer.

On completion of those tasks the concierge will assist the I-storer to exit the facility in a safe and timely manner.

We openly encourage and are tolerant to any and all storers.  We do not discriminate on race, gender, colour or impairment.  To us everyone is equal and for those of us who have various limited abilities to safely perform those tasks associated with having a self-storage space, we will always assist our storers.



34A. Stor-It Ballarat is not a removalist company.  Stor-It provides a pickup and drop off service.

34B. Stor-It Ballarat is not responsible if anything happens to the storer’s goods during transit.

34C. Stor-It Ballarat does not accept responsibility if the storer’s goods are damaged or completely written off in the event of an accident during transit.

34D. Stor-It Ballarat does not provide an itemised inventory for theft.

34E. The storer is responsible for packing their own items and may have helped load them onto the truck.

34F. Stor-It Ballarat is not a removalist company.  Stor-It provides a pickup and drop off service.  Stor-It Ballarat has the right to charge an agreed pickup fee in the event the storer has miscalculated the volume of items to be stored; or in the event the pickup is outside the free pickup zone of Ballarat Central; or in the event the storer, on pickup, changes the service to a removalist service by not having their items placed in the garage pickup zone as agreed. Stor-It Ballarat has the right to charge an agreed delivery fee.

34G. The storer acknowledges his or her items are already worn, used, scratched, dented and/or second hand when provided to Stor-It.

34H. The storer agrees that if they store for less than…………months, they will pay to

Stor-It Ballarat the agreed pick-up fee of $………………… 



MON-FRI    7.30AM – 4.00PM

SAT            9.00AM – 1.00PM





36A. If a smoke detector is activated the nearest CCTV camera will then be activated.  The CCTV camera will then notify head office of a smoke alarm event. 

36B. Head Office monitors each smoke alarm and CCTV camera 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

36C. If there is a smoke alarm event the Stor-It Security Control Room will, over the internal building 1 and building 2, internal PA system, will direct any and all storers in either building to immediately vacate the building.

36D. Over the PA system you will be directed to assemble at the designated fire emergency assembly point.

36E. Over the PA system, you will be directed not to run and to use the stairs only.  The control room will immediately disable the lifts so you do not use them and you are to act in an orderly, respectful manner.

36F. In the event you refuse to adhere to the legal direction of the control room to leave the building, for your own safety you will be forcibly removed by the facility staff and/or police.

36G. Your acknowledgment of Clause 28 and all sub-clauses is a condition of your entry.

36H. Any breach of Clause 28 will see your Agreement immediately terminated along with your stored items.  You will have 24 hours to remove your belongings otherwise the facility reserves the right to remove them for you.